2014. február 28., péntek

Comments to III.

Today at dawn the google search results list, usually in the first or second page, http://www.univerzumkeletkezes.eoldal.hu mine link missing in the google search engine would. Formation of the universe ran collector address. I hope to be back soon, because it is very important to many of us know what's going on in the world.
I know exactly who they are in the background, as yet, not foreigners, both Hungarian compatriots, who are responsible for ensuring that the time did not turn out the most important matters concerning humanity.
They let the disaster happen and did nothing to improve the quality of life dramatically.
The Minister knew exactly what a huge amount of recovery would occur if all were done, but because of their power of half concealed, because it would have degraded his person, had not played the charismatic role of each problem-solving, talented, clever politician. Viktor Orban's disease has a very large sense, narcissistic, classified among the psychopaths. The thought patterns of electron spin continuously around the power and self-interest, so that we have clung to each other, only the laser could help cure it. This does not absolve him from liability because every man must control himself when all this would be inharmonious conditions rule every aspect of life.
The Hungarian Orban serving science, a leading physicist layer, are also guilty, even more than Orban, precisely because they knew that the vast, invaluable in this scholarly writing.
Now, I only deal with the Hungarian criminal association, but equally nefarious reasons, guided by the scientific world, and save the rest of humanity brought to life, that are held by the taxpayer.
Because this theory can not be disproved, only to prove, therefore, wanted to exterminate with fire and sword, and if they are not professional friends, you have not as yet receive nothing.
They thought that my writing is liquidated, the disaster will come suddenly, and then no one will gather knowledge that I could have saved humanity.
But it would have turned out a lot of new scientific evidence, it would have been required to apply, and all the people are in great shape, there is no more need of hack politicians and living organisms, scientists, because all of you have been rearranged.
You can save many thousands of billions of taxpayers if these positions have been eliminated
Blame them since day exploring things like that are no longer needed, billions wasted and patients left to die. How many cancer patients have since died, to my knowledge I discovered the latest therapies?
It was thought then that it is the poor people die, they get away with it, and carry the same non-viable social system, while nice steal little by little scientific content of the website. I always just dropped in., which gain fame and money.
One thing is certain , that this disaster will not spare anyone , with their money and with their reputation they will not go anywhere , disease and hunger in them is going to knock together to prey upon their money up to decorate the walls , if the walls remain .
What kind of minister is chosen, is the country 's people classifying , go ahead , go ahead , choose the appropriate Minister , who chewed off bones drum to the people and hide from them the sublime , heavenly morsels . It does not matter to him, chasing him to destruction celebrations, defenseless, he all of a category, Viktor Orban little apprentice. Go ahead chosen! Bring Hungary Hungarians go for it!
We live in a world where democracy is referring to Putin defends ordinary bandits who stole the last penny out of the people, and bosom friendship with like-minded Hungarians embraced the great leader.
This social system has long failed, but the system is still struggling to benefit, unfortunately, so hold on to their privileges barbaric way to die rather leave the world. I'd rather die, but you can not let everyone be good.
The universe takes care of it, even if you do not direct it is intended that the depraved society renewed, the development does not stop, but go ahead and disaster blurs the old -viable society to the substitution of a forward-looking, great functioning form of society. This society has become a peaceful, community awareness of people will converge towards the more and more developed societies. It is true that even twenty years must elapse to begin the development. It takes ten years to get back to some level of icing.
Intelligent friends are not going to die, no matter how powerful they wanted the pictures, as they will be transferred to the water deuterium variations, since the spin of the particles in the direction opposite the local particles. There the 23-degree temperature gradually increased energy levels, and the spin direction is reversed and water is formed. Excess water is collected in reservoirs, so there will be flooding. There are oceans and rivers, the only reason to keep them under control easier. They will multiply too, since you are even a few over there en masse if the people here lose their lives. Very little of the humanity comes through, the others have to be born again.
So much food, and they also get the 0.5-wavelength as far as they will need to be reserved for it, and they can also be produced synthetically. It is true that to be closer together to pull themselves but survive.
I did not intervene because they can be very stressful for preparation and ultimately one world to the other world does not intervene in the affairs of up to help warn intent.
The universe is advanced society in this statute!
Our Earth in a positive wavelength societies, unfortunately, is the stage of development of barbarism!

After this writing, at least I try, how I am indestructible, if not, then at least do favor to leave this cruel, evil world!

2014. február 26., szerda

Comments to II.

Yesterday, the News 24 online side of an article accepted for popolar of science that has demonstrated outstanding real ice remaining in the Arctic Sea. The Start page also between fresh news in less than an hour it was time to read, and then he disappeared. Interestingly, no other newspaper has not taken over the news, even though bits and pieces, and news about the celebrity to appear nondescript nonsense about two days. Popular Science said the real data, the rest of the newspaper published false claims attributed to the insignificant approaching a huge threat.
It is not none of that will happen soon not only sea level rise, the price performances rivers left ignored, and if the sea level rises, you may wonder where you are going on the river? Swell and unprecedented floods occur everywhere. This, I write because it is thought by many to be the only areas along the coasts at risk, but this is far from true. The sea, will expand much farther into the sea coastal areas.
There is a huge risk, but it seems no way of knowing that even the Hungarians, and, in this article I did not write, but honest representatives of official science.
I'll give you the links, can be found here
Title of article: Elönti a világot a sarki víz

English title of the article: Alarming Video Shows Arctic Ice Disappearing

Popular science link:

The http://www.theoryoftheuniverse.eoldal.hu  website in the link yesterday to the Theory of the Universe title in second place featured in the hit list, has now disappeared from the search results list. This is the way to go regularly, but will return to put the information specialist friends.

2014. február 24., hétfő

The fourth anniversary

Comments to

2010th February 24 th is the first part of the accidental discovery discussing the writing blog.hu.
Only one game has started, I had no idea how much importance care into.
It was a lot of interest, and to bring more people to follow you, in July 2010, I published a blog is free. In the web interface even more people followed on a regular basis, it has appeared to me in English, http://theoryoftheuniverse.freeblog.hu link.
Unfortunately, the free blog site server park service stopped working and has been for almost a year, is not in operation, so those who have read here, they could not get to the end, I could not even say to where to continue, because it was impossible to save the newly created information.
Since no one has provided an opportunity to get more publicity to your website, google search engine would only be able to be up to the leads, which are the people whom I asked for help, constantly cast out. Very cleverly, but rather, I would say that insidiously cast out from google. All available before and after clicking the link with robot equipped, I just left out the link to my marginalized with the hit list. The final result is a list of links on the pages clicked ate so much that it was impossible to avoid.
Yet still I get back, because there were assistants who are driven much higher level of information technology. If you have not rushed to help me in my writing now scouring humanity could not find it anywhere.
Last breath holding on to every word of it anywhere and stand up for the right measurement when, he recognized someone inviting me! Unfortunately, not requested, flatten all the official responsible person, pretend you do not know about it, because the stakes are huge, crimes against humanity, the prosecution if it turns out that they could not have made it, so nothing prevented, or the cause.
I wanted to write the abbreviated version, which has just only the scientific facts and make more transparent the thought, but it was taken away from him in the mood.
Could still write a lot of things, for example: how the crops are strong and aggressive be very simple method like weeds.
After all, it is not necessary because only up to a thought -controlled atomic computer codes are constructed that all information in the universe can be found in the developer through.
The crisis would soon be terminated, it could have been much better life now, and I can only say now that in a very short time we have develop hundreds of years.
The most easily demonstrable scientific theory has been described , containing only one silicon atom TV was to be built , or some proof of the procedures performed , whose sight is not enough and the pendulum of the mind net, communicating with nature .
Outrageously immoral and corrupt in the world, the politicians their power and money do not care about anything outside, this is so not only in Ukraine, but we can only ours less spectacular hoard rather stick it out for now.
The scientists, I do not write, you decide why they want to kill my Web site.
While the Hungarians were led by politicians noses, and to the left or right with them they are just props or scenery necessary for the exercise of official authority. The fact that people leap to each other, the politicians gang profits.
The most comfortable "work" done by the most benefit, and if you bring the country into bankruptcy, it is well explained.
The people do not need politicians, believe me, politics is much better without destroying the world. It is necessary, however, for many hard-working creative professional, skillful hands, good honest people who are derecognised the country out of the hole.
Unfortunately, the disaster was going to happen, but also what informs the daily newspaper, defer the twenty-second century. Each person can ask pendulum over which version is true.
Achieve alone among so many "bad wolf", not great results, only the joint collaboration can help. Is it so that people have a right, but it is not recognized.
Terrible feeling four years with the knowledge to be alone, just because the official science takes a different view, a selfish arrogant stance.
More and more I feel as if reinforcing steel walls would turn around.
But the last word is my shout it to every word of it and serve the interests of humanity!
