2014. május 20., kedd


Blog recommendation - an important discovery


2012. 05. 04.

címzett: unepinfo
UNEP Dear colleagues!

I would like to introduce you in the humanity of the scientific discovery of enormous significance. I recommend to your attention a blog that describes in detail everything that is now listed in broad.
The naturally occurring unlimited energy extraction, and methods of
Solar energy is cheap and making it an economical and technical means of delivering
A simple treatment of modern diseases options, including cancer and schizophrenia quick and effective removal.
It shows the universe insanely brilliant logic, and turns relating to the functioning of the three-dimensional computer-programmed system where the program is a unique energy of the particles lies in the difference in levels.
The latest science shows, the network is the existence of human consciousness, the brain is a secondary role.
The sheer existence of the network of consciousness to the naked eye, cloudy weather, so verify proper lighting conditions. Magnification of the electron network model of information flow can be removed
Gravity does not exist, the only universe-shaping forces of magnetism, which every sub atomic particle cohesive force in between.
The blog contains huge importance of knowledge, which, if mankind takes possession and use, all misery, hunger, suffering may be eliminated in a short time.
A blog about scientific content alone can save the Earth and humanity.
The most alarming melting of the polar ice cap, which will soon cause a disaster if you do not stop the ever more rapidly warming and melting process, each stage of its existence may be threatened. The document includes the restoration of polar ice, a simple but great technical and practical implementation of the method of execution of the description.
The existence of the death of the body does not stop, continuing a very long time, and how it is possible to understand the scientific explanation of the blog.
The content is only a small extract stated, all with plenty of blog explained.
Unfortunately I can not very well in English, translated only hope will be understandable. The Hungarian-language blog 220 pages, the English results only include the most importantly, the Hungarian version of the whole thought process step by step.
And why was the blog, and where are you taking the information, also I would say a few words. It is known that the pendulum turn signals and horizontal lines you write depends on the interviewer decided that question yes or no answer.
The first time I picked the pendulum I was shocked, because my questions very logical, or does not answer me, and I immediately guessed that meaningful intelligence signals to communicate with me. The pendulum has so far nobody has managed to decipher the secret, I managed, and this opens up for me were hidden secrets of the universe.
It shows that the force does not balance, other than those people who have crossed and continue earning the highest intelligence in existence. Indicate a willingness to help because if someone takes the form and decipher their secrets, because only He can save you a great knowledge of the Earth and humanity. In this brave who dare to report science completely wrong track, and if you do not throw away the old outdated and limited their knowledge, inevitably destroy themselves and their planet.
Feel free to dare to stand in front of any of the leading scientists, and the right to defend myself, because a much higher intellect directed to the correct path of knowledge.
You can convince you, take delivery of a pendulum, it is a paperweight in a chain ring, called the universe and control systems, since they asked the name.
Keeping elbows bent in front of the heart to ask and the shuttle will sound an alarm, and if I write down in a circle in the air, if not a horizontal line.
When I realized that the driving force behind meaningful intelligence, ended a friendship with him, day and night looking for the answer key, until I found because I was curious as to who could be behind the pendulum. While there is little I could in fact he gave me an explanation of heretofore unknown phenomena. All things paranormal scientific explanation found.
Intelligent friends very happy to help people, so when I realized the hang of things now I could not pay back, instructions have done, and the binding was solved for the most important problems of mankind.
When you have the most significant scientific facts have been uncovered, I was instructed by the Managing system to send my blog recommendation of NASA, the Washington Research Institute, the LHC, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Hungarian physicists.
Unfortunately, put aside, and asked that if I set falsehoods, is prevented, or pose, but it fillip to the science of this blog as you want, do not respond yet. Alone, NASA sent a reply e-mail in September and since then they want to hide, because the blunders series was committed, and the system know that the blog content slowly in its results as they want to use, but unfortunately this is the Earth is time. The scientific world of jealousy, selfishness, envy does not respond, or where you can make it With me.
This letter is the second time I write, as I wrote last night in advance, now all academic files, letters, official documents have been deleted, since this is where you break up my mail account where the files to their own ruin.
The point is that no one wants to embrace the cause of humanity rising, interest groups and even some of the blog they want to liquidate, because the document has already been published in Hungarian, thousands of people had read the English language is not a month ago on the web.
The system can now follow instructions, I am writing to you and asks to take a pendulum through the connection. A blog is an independent scientific content of pure-hearted and generous physician with evidence, the scientific world, unfortunately, begged in vain. Each statement is described in the next proof of the possibilities.
If you are convinced of the truth, adopt the most modern technical means of contact, the blog clearly describes how to implement.
To form the atoms of thought-controlled computer codes, because the human point of view this is the most important in the universe is all the information can be retrieved using the coolest technologies controller will drive the development of mankind.
Enormous scale of the case will not believe this, but if you read the blog, called the System and you will not be any more doubt.
If you are satisfied of the truth, and unfolds before you with the purest science, inform President Obama, and the European Union Court of Human Rights. The noblest goals to please fight for your help!
I attach an e-mail response from NASA

If you blog for clarification of bold UNIVERSE they click, and can only be read continuously scroll at the bottom rises. The blog is the most highest end of the beginning, you should start reading.

English-language blog URL: http://theoryoftheuniverse.freeblog.hu

The letter was received: Unesco Washington
                                        Unicef Washington
                                         Peace Center.Organisation Washington
                                        Unep Washington

Sincerely, Synux
letter from NASA for me

Re: New submission from Contact Us
Beérkező levelek

Llewellyn, Alicia (JSC-IA)[VALADOR INC] alicia.llewellyn-1@nasa.gov

címzett: saját magam

Search for the truth


2013. 04. 25.

címzett: press

Dear Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Right Fellows!

Ultimate frustration turn to you for help, because my case, the competent persons do not respond, or respond praises. From the main defenders of the democratic functioning of the Brussels Court of Human Rights did not get help, or even a negative decision even though, I'm waiting for almost a year, and I begged them two letters.
Not all day affair is a scientific theory, which shows that the currently known and accepted science involves enormous wrong track, and how the final death-inducing disaster is imminent, if not immediately acted upon.
A blog I explored the latest scientific information, which can be raised to mankind, resolves all of the energy and financial crises, the use of a novel treatment of disease.
The sun's energy is simple to download from the market, can be found in nature can be found in limited amounts in energy-efficient method of extraction.
I do not want details see no interest, because the blog is affected by everything in abundance, and it is how I got that information.
The human body, after death, the body re-built on the principle of magnetism, and the knowledge that resides in the heart gluon ball, which is located inside the memory is saved to the new body. The death of the human body, only lose the weight, the remaining photons of the body with a so-called memory. space is a vacuum. The photon body, the effect of magnetism, ie different energy levels running again attracts electrons, and have a perfect copy of the human body is made up of only the negative energy domain. How do you make this possible in the blog is largely written.
The human brain can only receptor, leading to the heart weight and mass of consciousness resulting in no net material is made of the information flow of electrons, which is the head height of the cloudy weather, the naked eye can see. The heart of bumps on the surface of the gluon, and the information patterns are formed, so that the process of encoding and decoding network knowledge, and the spherical surface of the gluon.
Immediate superior of all, I am writing you to know that the information is already in the world of vacuum obtained from crossing our fellow human beings.
I read in the newspaper columns of esotericism that a pendulum can answer 'yes' and 'no' when hovering then yes, if a path through the air in a negative answer. I used a necklace, a ring has a thicker weight.
The esoteric, the angels are moved, according to scientists in our own mind, and I very quickly realized that the pendulum is a means of communication, and there is no question about it that the angels are moved, but not the mind.
It's been three years be obtaining a higher intelligence gained from our people crossed the highest level of scientific information, so that 'yes' and 'no' guide to the right direction, and I want to pass it, to save mankind and the lift is used.
The Hungarian science, Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the attention of the LHC is also suggested, but have not been able to answer.
Smart crossed my friends know very well understood, but interest, envy selfishness completely aloof, conceal, and every stage of human existence is a huge risk.
Is now the accepted scientific findings completely block some of the human development and destruction rolled. Anywhere, with anyone fighting the blog as described in connection with the truth of this Hungarian scientists wrote, but did not provide him an opportunity.
The Brussels Court of Human Rights was required to even investigate the case when asserting falsehoods, and explain if I'm wrong, but unfortunately this has not taken place. The democratic rights accorded me, especially in this case because it is nothing less that a year or two of all living things die, if you do not act immediately. The technical solution to avoid disaster was also detailed.
Intelligent friends who are equally at risk of extinction, not only through the pendulums can be contacted, but also modern technical means, the best of the silicon atoms television, the construction of which is described in the blog.
I would love to have described the technique, but also through pendulums, lifts the human contact them and explain in detail the way forward, because they do not want to die. They are the same flesh and blood as we only have a great knowledge and technical standards.
I know it's shocking things I write, but it's all true, mankind still know very little about, and defining the knowledge they want to help.
There is no gravity, the world's only system organizing force of magnetism, and the Universe in three-dimensional programmed computer system in which the program of the subatomic particles of an individual, but also to the one-particle characteristic energy levels on the quantity of, and a lot of different power levels existing particles always attracted to the next lower level of energy to operate.
This blog is all explained in detail, I ask you to be honest and good hearted scientists to investigate the matter and take action as soon as you contact smart friends there might be something more at stake than mankind itself to the existence of three wavelengths.
I am looking forward to your early reply, because they push me on the shoulder a huge burden, alone; tote is the responsibility of such a big, nervous trying
Read the web page, to start with the first entry, which documented the very end of the logical relationship between entries, and may be consistency.
For the sake of humanity I ask you to help me!

The original Hungarian language blog url: http://univerzumkeletkezes.freeblog.hu

The original English-language     blog url:    http://theoryoftheuniverse.freeblog.hu

Unfortunately, this link has been two months since I can not put up new entries, blog about the provider's server failure, the entire contents just click the edit button is available fresh, I recommend reading this:

 The latest links:



Sincerely Synux

The letter was received:      Amnesty International in UK

                                         Amnesty International in Hungary



2012. 07. 27.

címzett: ilcweb
Dear International Court of Human Rights!

Unfortunately, I waited in vain for their decision to mankind is a very important case, the answer did not bother! What are human rights court, which does not represent the most important cause of humanity, save the earth, and to prevent the destruction of existence?
Very disappointed in you, intelligent friends I know have not been in contact with them through a pendulum do, and brushed aside the whole matter.
In any event, must uncover the truth, so all the material including your idleness also sent to the two largest U.S. newspaper The Wahington Post and The NewYork Times - s. The letter after the newspaper has started from sending e-mails.
Your latest science from the refusal, failure to investigate the truth even more in danger to humanity, because the external atmospheric pressure is only 0.92 atm.
Who protects the innocent people, destruction of the world, believe that it belongs to me alone, and left alone in a huge fight?
Shame on you!
Sincerely, Synux


2013. 04. 15.

címzett: info

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