2013. március 21., csütörtök

The equalization of the magnetic field at the level of particle physics

While the Earth's axis of rotation, 0 degrees to 360, degrees toward the pressure in the particles gradually increased. This does not mean that the 360 geographical lengths can I find the highest-energy particles in space placement zone.
To keep the pressure increases because the particles pile up on each other, and the more he is friction, the higher the energy level will be. The friction of the higher energy levels of electrons transferred to the surrounding energy photons which radiate out why, and further raise the energy level of the surrounding electrons. The process is constantly ongoing.
The particles with the highest energy level in the space occupied by the highest-level areas.
The highest energy level location in the center of the Earth, and the material creation is created densest places, the depths of the sea, the mountains, rocks, volcanoes, mantle, magma chamber, core, crust cracks, undersea trenches.
The positive energy loss of particles having a left rotate, and various sizes of negative energy levels in the magnetism depending on the closest large positive-energy particles near attracted Since the positive particles spin direction opposite to the negative sign particles spinning direction of a balancing magnetic repulsion occurs, the particles in a stable position to the other party.
Increased solar activity for a huge surplus of positive energy than an average day at work, so the energy levels of the particles are larger than normal, which increases pressure trigger.
The level of negative energy particles can not follow this change, so moving away farther and farther, they have a balanced particles.
The value of 0.6 atm pressure of a deadline, which is still being achieved, by becoming more relaxed balancing power, but the value is exceeded, the total loss of magnetism between them, and immediately escapes from the vacuum space.
The operating range of high-energy positive particles are distributed more difficult because of the strong links between them, so it takes twenty years to the disconnection between the particles.
 However, the positive atmosphere of the space where the web magnetically trapped atoms loose connection may also exist in the disintegration occurs rapidly, and the Earth's atmosphere into space is to be capable of a maximum of two years, so it drowns every living thing.
The twenty-year time period of the Earth's total destruction.
Instead of increasing the pressure of the atmosphere, it is found that the pressure is gradually reduced, temporarily increases slightly, then decreases again, possibly stagnating, but the end result is a constant gradual decline.
This, is because the pressure drop of cooling elicits an increase in global warming.
The balance principle and the most notable here because, although more space would have a positive atmosphere over a stick, yet the pressure loss can be experienced.
The negative particles in the energy levels of the positive particles increased proportionally farther from each other, and proportionately larger suction or vacuum effect of positive particles, therefore, pressure of 0.6 atmospheres, such as a pressure equalization in the system.
The one atmosphere pressure, calibrated by the universe, which is defined in terms of a well-functioning system for all levels of sub-atomic particles so requested in sign to each other and constantly create the space necessary items.
Taking place in this space, climatic and meteorological processes that are error-free operation in the evenings steady and well defined characteristics.
If the system starts disrupted resulting in different climatic processes, which is unusual for us, and high climate, weather anomalies may occur.

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