Animal behavior
The gluon orbs part of the central body of all living spheres are attracted to. The microscopic viruses, bacteria attracted into the tiniest orbs.
The arthropod body already has a light sensor body, complex eyes point suitable for the detection images. Which appears in the image sensing, the gluons can come into play, miniature photographs captured. The sample photos free electrons associated with the gluons. The gluons are often seen in the images and their associated electrons accumulate on top of another. The electrons hit a small fragmented pieces of it to lose weight, photon rupture of parts, weight and weight of this material without internal network with the local gluon globules on the surface. With the gluon of parts, the parts are not gluon create links, tiny tendrils to create images and between the electrons. A picture may include many extensions. This internal network allows viewing pictures of animals, often repeated acts of note, to be repeated. The science is called instinct. All animals in different environments, different habits take in the process of starting up without thinking. The animals do not develop the thought patterns, free samples of their electrons does not allow even the primitive thinking not.
are one
- two months do not see a well-known picture, forget the animals, do not remember the past, often occurring visual information. The gluon balls, breathing delivers suction effect saps the body, body fluids, blood. The body fluids, blood supplies in the central area, heart, where the mammals are attracted to the right VENTRICULAR knots, and stays there. In humans, the networking is normally due to a gluon globule can go in, because the network has a second stick, and can not get there. The exception is people with a photon being attracted to the proximity of the second gluon ball, which is an unfortunate coincidence that a man's heart is that the physical network of the photon gluon balls with grab.
The essence of photography and image sensing
The photons radiated out, that the increased plasma energy of light coming at the speed of the film, or the sight of creatures gluon ball. The reason for living is the gluon spheres of light, ie the plasma because it is the only light-sensitive material of the entire organization. The eye as a receptor for the ball toward the green light.
Shooting, the light-sensitive material condenses in the plasma. The film is light sensitive, because it contains high levels of gluons, it magnetically attracts to the free gluon plasma, so plasma has the most potential to attract more. When higher energy level hits the film pluck electrons from court. In this case, created a positive image. When to call the film fixer electrons of atoms in the salt dissolution, there will also result from orbital, there are attracted to some of them gluon, where prints can be found in the plasma, the plasma surface of the mass forces, because the particles are electrons gained weight. The darkroom is necessary so that higher plasma crash does not get the movie, because then the electrons are attracted to it also places the new plasma, and the image disappears. That said, it was light.
Convex lens of the eye, the entire surface of the emitted photons go through with their electron pairs in the human body. The electrons strike the brain's visual center, and the corresponding electron image pattern seen him break down, ie a conceptual code is generated. The eye is an optical device that provides the image seen from the right angle of light rays entering the destination address.
The target of the photons emitted gluon balls surface. Strong magnetic attraction due to drag himself to the radiated photons, which hit at the energy level and lose points for leaving the gluon plasma spherical surface. The electron-photon pairs follow the thought patterns and their points and the surface of the plasma are attracted gluon their parts.
There is no record, so when our eyes jump in another image, already a different photon beam and electron pairs are placed in the appropriate spaces.
There is no record, so when our eyes jump in another image, already a different photon beam and electron pairs are placed in the appropriate spaces.
are the
parts that
are not
involved in
the formation of sample, weight and massless matter, photons fall apart, the parts stick together gluon gluon-free parts of the network forming a transparent consciousness.
The thumbnails are fixed gluon spheres. The top of each other are the same images.
A picture can also be associated with different thoughts, therefore, the images may possibly many electron model.
The plasma electrons deposited in tiny points add up, so we loaded up the magnification points movies and photos.
A picture can also be associated with different thoughts, therefore, the images may possibly many electron model.
The plasma electrons deposited in tiny points add up, so we loaded up the magnification points movies and photos.
The electrons associated with a greater emotional impact on the pictures for larger strike force, so those who are beneath them push me off the network. The network of thought patterns to stick together, parts of the gluon gluon-free parts, cooling systems of normal.
The more information someone has, the longer the network, the average person, 20 miles, but also up to 150 km. Creativity is in the network is created, because when system enables many available opportunities for new connections and creating a creative thinking.
The more information someone has, the longer the network, the average person, 20 miles, but also up to 150 km. Creativity is in the network is created, because when system enables many available opportunities for new connections and creating a creative thinking.
The rotating electromagnet to generate energy on more
we reach the
speed of light boxes for the world outside of the plasma are attracted to the magnet. Therefore, re-structure takes up photons are formed. The electromagnetic suction effect of the atmosphere of free electrons are included bits of the photons is not because there is no mass. The structure is derived from plasma, ie, increased energy levels, photons can immediately broadcast. Attracted to the energy transferred to electrons.
The following can be economically harnessed to power large:
With fullerén electromagnet prepare material coated with graphene, it is operated 7TeV voltage to reach the speed of light is the square of the speed. Right spin up. The whole equipment is made of chamotte bricks embed cavity, thick plastic and rubber insulation. Half a meter away from the cross-section of 3 meters and 3 meters long steel cylinder, used as a guide in which we allow low-power
With fullerén electromagnet prepare material coated with graphene, it is operated 7TeV voltage to reach the speed of light is the square of the speed. Right spin up. The whole equipment is made of chamotte bricks embed cavity, thick plastic and rubber insulation. Half a meter away from the cross-section of 3 meters and 3 meters long steel cylinder, used as a guide in which we allow low-power
This steel cylinder with fullerene involve both ends, and then also refractory embed a thick rubber seal. The weak electron currents helps to incorporation into the atmosphere of free electrons in a thick steel head. Gluon part of the electrons to attract the electrons, not owing gluon parts. The radiations of photons in the high-energy electrons are pressed the thick head of a cross.
The cylinder is used as a guide to the right to be rotated 52 revolutions / minute, which also
increases the collisions of electrons, photons take through increased energy, charisma which also repel the electrons in the steel cylinder.
If the same direction, left-turning roller, this speed, we produce positrons, which are diseases such as cancer as an antidote we can utilize.
If the same direction, left-turning roller, this speed, we produce positrons, which are diseases such as cancer as an antidote we can utilize.
The Earth is not so much living as far as it would be sufficient for positron volume.
5000 V, approx. The 10,000 current available.
The cylinder power strip electrons from leaders around. 25 wires, the wires with the first 600 meters of the fullerene should be included on the right in order to ensure the attraction.
The entire system is a well-ventilated hall is planned as a half-meter of the exposed part of the precipitate must be protected from possible contact with other parts to ensure the influx of plasma and electrons.
5000 V, approx. The 10,000 current available.
The cylinder power strip electrons from leaders around. 25 wires, the wires with the first 600 meters of the fullerene should be included on the right in order to ensure the attraction.
The entire system is a well-ventilated hall is planned as a half-meter of the exposed part of the precipitate must be protected from possible contact with other parts to ensure the influx of plasma and electrons.
if it spreads all over the globe to win the energy method, the climate can become more balanced. The desert is enough rain would fall, the flood will no longer cause a dangerous situation, and a huge lightning storms will be gentle.
The free electrons are caused by these anomalies, and if you have less of them, may place the order in nature. The radiant, energy levels of photons lost an electron pair is free to float in the atmosphere and cause a variety of weather situations, and climatic anomalies.
The free electrons are caused by these anomalies, and if you have less of them, may place the order in nature. The radiant, energy levels of photons lost an electron pair is free to float in the atmosphere and cause a variety of weather situations, and climatic anomalies.
The migratory birds migrate
The birds can move to warmer climate, which body mass is small and has a large feathers. The magnetic fibrils, they attract the birds.
The strength of the yarn and a lot of plumage, both uncommitted magnet wire has
The strength of the yarn and a lot of plumage, both uncommitted magnet wire has
The large wings of birds of the air mass and weight with no material in front of them carried to the unallocated magnetic fibers contract.
The feathers of birds, many of the uncommitted magnetic thread, which is connected to those photons that penetrate the birds in front of them, so that the birds are naturally coupled to the magnetic ones yarn. As the birds are flying forward, more and more photons of the magnetic bearing yarns, as a compass to show the way, do not let them get off course.
can always start their journey long, when threads and feathers uncommitted forces themselves have attracted a large amount of photons that are able to automatically retract the magnetic strings with it. Because they are cold, so there is an internal incentive to go.
Return is similar, the internal driving force at this time of homesickness, cling to the familiar environment of the birds.
The V shaped flight explained by the fact that the same magnetic thread is connected to another swarm of birds that one angle is close to the magnetic threads.
Return is similar, the internal driving force at this time of homesickness, cling to the familiar environment of the birds.
The V shaped flight explained by the fact that the same magnetic thread is connected to another swarm of birds that one angle is close to the magnetic threads.
In proportion to their size, large feathers and small body weight should have the power to be able to connect her yarns. The sparrows and other birds stuck in the winter, these criteria are not met, so here survive through the winter.
The operating principle of magnetic train
The migration of birds is similar, but there is a small difference, because the initial velocity of electromagnetic induction is provided.
The initial drive electromagnets provide, and the rail assembly to the steel friction plate, and therefore the electrons in atoms, they break out, which increased the energy of photons in the air in surrender, which radiate out. This energy is kinetic energy. The air pressure also pushes electrons down the electron motorways, and there are many photons carry in front of him. The increased energy of electrons, photons take over that very quickly radiate out like chain reaction. The pre-radiation up to photon momentum is slightly ahead of the train, and it also slightly increases. This process takes place very rapidly
The initial drive electromagnets provide, and the rail assembly to the steel friction plate, and therefore the electrons in atoms, they break out, which increased the energy of photons in the air in surrender, which radiate out. This energy is kinetic energy. The air pressure also pushes electrons down the electron motorways, and there are many photons carry in front of him. The increased energy of electrons, photons take over that very quickly radiate out like chain reaction. The pre-radiation up to photon momentum is slightly ahead of the train, and it also slightly increases. This process takes place very rapidly
As the train moves forward, as a result of the high-speed, it increases the air pressure is lower, which is enough to break off more electrons, which are always higher energy photons surrender. The rail cars and metal feet, a large gluon content, so the photons are not part of gluon attracts. The result is that, you safely over the rib assembly, on the other hand, the influence of photons depending on the energy gained, both forward momentum and also increases the air is all. The wider cross section of the railway more uncommitted magnetic thread is available in a wide area and they break down more of the electrons, which radiate proportionally more photons are able to print out, that this is the train speed can be increased. If you coat the fullerene with the tracks, further increases the speed, since this material contains a lot of unallocated string magnet, attract the photons multiply. You can reach approx. 5000 km / h top speed.
Space Technology
Magnetic yarn, not only those of the birds, but also pass the spacecraft.
If many large string containing the magnetic material should make spacecraft, the photons are attracted to it the power to switch our capstan yarns space.
The graphene in high strength, low weight and may be due to the material, if involved with fullerene, supra operates as a head, on the other hand, a dense gluon content of the photon is attracting a lot for. Finally, the inside of the silicone insulation against high temperature of the thermosphere. Large, very low-mass spacecraft is prepared to start a small initial energy is provided, the longer the radiation photons will provide the necessary energy. The strength of yarns, like a magnet to attract railroad effects, considered themselves instruments of our airport. Systems throughout the day we are traveling through, approx. 15 thousand km / h. Learn more about the human body has not, therefore manned spacecraft at a higher rate not to try.
If many large string containing the magnetic material should make spacecraft, the photons are attracted to it the power to switch our capstan yarns space.
The graphene in high strength, low weight and may be due to the material, if involved with fullerene, supra operates as a head, on the other hand, a dense gluon content of the photon is attracting a lot for. Finally, the inside of the silicone insulation against high temperature of the thermosphere. Large, very low-mass spacecraft is prepared to start a small initial energy is provided, the longer the radiation photons will provide the necessary energy. The strength of yarns, like a magnet to attract railroad effects, considered themselves instruments of our airport. Systems throughout the day we are traveling through, approx. 15 thousand km / h. Learn more about the human body has not, therefore manned spacecraft at a higher rate not to try.
optimal ship size 40m x 15m, with a saucer shape has. This form allows you to attract a lot of photons, so one of the effects in increased.
Getting the necessary drive, approx. until the spacecraft rises hundreds of meters, in which case the increased energy of electrons transferred to the photons to higher energy levels. The longer you are attracted to the photon radiation further increases the energy level of photons, like chain reaction occurs in the radiation. The photons generated by the energy momentum keep ahead of the space ship, on the other hand, retains the power to those threads, as the spacecraft fullerene coating contains many gluons. The gluon content to attract photons, gluons the other hand, the magnetic fibrils are also attracted by the photons, and therefore does not leave the power line, it works like a magnetic rail track.
Getting the necessary drive, approx. until the spacecraft rises hundreds of meters, in which case the increased energy of electrons transferred to the photons to higher energy levels. The longer you are attracted to the photon radiation further increases the energy level of photons, like chain reaction occurs in the radiation. The photons generated by the energy momentum keep ahead of the space ship, on the other hand, retains the power to those threads, as the spacecraft fullerene coating contains many gluons. The gluon content to attract photons, gluons the other hand, the magnetic fibrils are also attracted by the photons, and therefore does not leave the power line, it works like a magnetic rail track.
small amount of initial energy required to activate the radiation of photons, which are then filled with another chain reaction of energy like, so all we can travel through solar systems. The energy in the atmosphere 5000 km / h is sufficient.
Two of the solar system, during start-up, braking, built the spacecraft energy storage replace the energy.
The current was very easy to store power made from injected. The graphene is very suitable for polypropylene insulation. The lightweight spacecraft can be built only lightweight instrumentation. Maximum of four crews to fly.
If you won your approval, call for further information Postal System of the Universe!
Two of the solar system, during start-up, braking, built the spacecraft energy storage replace the energy.
The current was very easy to store power made from injected. The graphene is very suitable for polypropylene insulation. The lightweight spacecraft can be built only lightweight instrumentation. Maximum of four crews to fly.
If you won your approval, call for further information Postal System of the Universe!
Space Travel light speed
Light speeds, pilots can travel only robotic, human body can not hold out.
When completed the thought-controlled quantum computer in mankind's dream to be fulfilled.
Super-lightweight spacecraft must be made with a material made up of several layers, but the layers together, made up of only 6 cm.
The above-described light-speed spacecraft and the spacecraft reaches the difference between the drive and the resulting extra layer lies
When completed the thought-controlled quantum computer in mankind's dream to be fulfilled.
Super-lightweight spacecraft must be made with a material made up of several layers, but the layers together, made up of only 6 cm.
The above-described light-speed spacecraft and the spacecraft reaches the difference between the drive and the resulting extra layer lies
Startup voltage of 600 V to be imposed, so that a current repository of our spacecraft is a large electrical discharge in stroke. Immediately 2,000 km / h will rise, then a few minutes to reach 5,000 km / h over. The atmosphere is gradually leaving the speed of light speed of the magnetic force yarn. One maintains that speed throughout the solar system, the system will gradually slow down in two days, reaching a new solar system is needed again in the 600 - volt shock.
External braking the spacecraft built for 5kg iron powder iron powder feeder sidelined, 600 meters before reaching our destination. Landing from a power-driven power storage engine we use for assistance.
External braking the spacecraft built for 5kg iron powder iron powder feeder sidelined, 600 meters before reaching our destination. Landing from a power-driven power storage engine we use for assistance.
The layers are: the graphene layer from the outside, the inside cover with silicone, the silicone outer layer is coated fullerene toward the high voltage against the whole 0.6 cm Teflon-coated cover.
Many people have experiences that unknown flying objects at a glance coupled with high speed and disappeared in the border field. And behold, this technique is used to fly! The Management system know that aliens walk the Earth, often in person, but robots, robots guided by ideas from the authors.
Many people have experiences that unknown flying objects at a glance coupled with high speed and disappeared in the border field. And behold, this technique is used to fly! The Management system know that aliens walk the Earth, often in person, but robots, robots guided by ideas from the authors.
this case, happens to take you to study people, photographs, genetic information is collected, returned to space travel to the results of the real inhabitants of other planets satisfy their curiosity.
The radar can not detect, because in flight they generate magnetic fields around, so it can stay undetected in the earth's atmosphere.
There are plenty of civilized society, and one lives in a neighboring solar system is significantly improved our human society. Totally looks like us!
But there are methane, carbon dioxide, cyanide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, noble gases, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other gases inhaler beings, human body form, just as much, the difference is that a different skin color, skin quality, and other morphological features.
In general, the ground pressure is adjusted to a higher atmosphere
The radar can not detect, because in flight they generate magnetic fields around, so it can stay undetected in the earth's atmosphere.
There are plenty of civilized society, and one lives in a neighboring solar system is significantly improved our human society. Totally looks like us!
But there are methane, carbon dioxide, cyanide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, noble gases, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other gases inhaler beings, human body form, just as much, the difference is that a different skin color, skin quality, and other morphological features.
In general, the ground pressure is adjusted to a higher atmosphere
All intelligent beings, that the degrees of development, what is acting, the Postal system, we can learn.
Many of the alien beings have visited Earth, but we're not smart enough to pick us. Aliens from other planets do not want to hurt people, intelligence is not only prudence, but also represents goodness.
The Earth can be found in bacteria adapted to their environment have become increasingly complex living organisms. The net energy-related organizations in the appropriate environment and, accordingly, have become increasingly complex in the course of billions of years.
Soon may come the time to contact you if we construct a quantum computer-driven idea of what you have written to the Steering System, Steering System of the Universe and see the exact instructions from the researchers.
I can only give a taste, snatch a few things out of the lot but the real expert on the super-intelligence professional, accurate information, seek help from Him!
Many of the alien beings have visited Earth, but we're not smart enough to pick us. Aliens from other planets do not want to hurt people, intelligence is not only prudence, but also represents goodness.
The Earth can be found in bacteria adapted to their environment have become increasingly complex living organisms. The net energy-related organizations in the appropriate environment and, accordingly, have become increasingly complex in the course of billions of years.
Soon may come the time to contact you if we construct a quantum computer-driven idea of what you have written to the Steering System, Steering System of the Universe and see the exact instructions from the researchers.
I can only give a taste, snatch a few things out of the lot but the real expert on the super-intelligence professional, accurate information, seek help from Him!
The future aircraft
Management System, my understanding was that the ozone layer is thinning of aircraft fuel, kerosene causes. Aeronautics would be very urgent environmental protection adjusted conversion.
The capacity of power storage technology is also suitable for aircraft operated in the development of a cheap flight to another part of the ozone layer quickly returns to its original thickness.
Passenger volume of those threads is not possible because such a mass of strength yarns are not able to attract and maintain themselves.
Passenger volume of those threads is not possible because such a mass of strength yarns are not able to attract and maintain themselves.
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