2012. május 26., szombat

The human mass of body and the final stop of the photon body self operation start conditions

The human mass of body and the final stop of the photon body self operation start conditions

The completion of the vital functions of existence persists. Life, got into nutrition materials released during the decomposition of positive energy is maintained, and also provides the body with an atmosphere of internal pressure, which is equal to atmospheric pressure, so it lives in a magnetic balance to the body part of the environment.
The organisms at the molecular level, forming the electron-photon components involved, owing to the energy grid. Energy electrons in the molecule toward the net in the most external photon connected.
The energy network an atmospheric pressure value in operation and joined in the human body photons, hence taken off the negative energy.
From the energy network drawing strength photon body well separated from the body mass, because the atmosphere of a photon body minus magnetic atmosphere plus a massive body equilibrium state, so that it operates in sync.
The grid of molecules involved in all external photons absorbed by the shape of the molecules followed both inside and out.
At death no longer get any more positive energy, so the body temperature drops, the environment is the same energy level. The internal pressure of atmosphere in this case the value is zero, so the atmospheric pressure in an atmosphere penetrates into the tissue cells, then one of the atoms.
The body is an atmosphere of internal pressure in healthy people, the permanent value of 36.5 C temperature, that is, maintaining a positive energy. The body temperature of 0.1 degrees C rise in pressure of 0.1 atm followed by the increase in value. The higher the fever, the internal pressure is the higher level rise, consequences as the normal pressure of the magnetic fibers at a sufficient distance to each other resolved quarks, moving closer to each other, and 42 degrees above the top of each other congested, so disordered clusters to form.
The molecules at the molecular level, and those between the atoms, broken bonds based on affection, with clots formed in the whole body protein precipitation. Because the longer the cells are not able to perform their functions, the death occurs.
Cooling, if all 0.1 C internal temperature loss of 0.1 atm pressure loss experiments. The body temperature of 35.5 degrees C at cooling the internal pressure was zero atmosphere. The atmosphere allows for a neutral atmosphere atmospheric advance body. The colder the external environment, the more your body cools down, as long as the atmospheric temperature is the same energy level. The negative energy is cool man, I freeze, because the pressure between the atoms of the cold air arrives.
When the lifeless of the pressure reaches zero atmosphere, the atmosphere with an atmospheric pressure by squeezing with an atmospheric pressure minus the operating photon body. In this case the vacuum energy is positive direction, thus pushing it to the photons, which leave the bulk of non-functioning . The positive energy pushes up the pressure with the atmospheric pressure minus one photon body in , the two minus 0.1 meters above the atmosphere atmospheric bar, offering a set bits. An atmospheric pressure minus the pressure in the photon body minus 0.9 bar atmosphere decreases, and as advances in the vacuum space of the space pressure minus 0.8, minus 0.7 up to zero atmospheric pressure, as the atmosphere of a thrust from the atmosphere minus one atmosphere to zero decreases, that is leveling off.
The photon body pressure is higher than zero energy levels compared to the negative atmosphere in a vacuum space, and distances himself from so well in the vacuum space, the atmosphere is minus one is not able to penetrate into the body. On the other hand, the atmospheric pressure recorded at zero magnetic is in equilibrium and the atmosphere is a plus or minus one atmosphere space as well.
Since the neutral atmosphere in the sense of weight minus one atmosphere causes an increase, that is associated with higher magnetic attraction significance to the local surface magnetic clues with the photon body came from one weight loss do not feel.
The conversion into a wonderful experience, but step out of the body before an hour's content, to those who do not know what awaits him is hell. An hour cool down the body length needed to reach the internal atmosphere is zero pressure value. The mass of people have lost everything when you hear this, thinking the trapped in the prison of darkness. A long dreadful hours, for those who do not suspect that it's just a waiting phase.
The zero-pressure limit has been reached to bring salvation, in which case they feel as if going through a tunnel. On loss of the blind darkness of the high-gloss into getting into an unknown, but the more beautiful world unfolding before their eyes, where as many people can see everyone, but suddenly the magnet network will close, and he holds as long as the information electron models of the energy levels you reach the desired objective.
The samples represent the most sinful energy levels.
The photon body can not return back to the more massive body, so his experience is passed through the tunnel, the dark was returned from the captivity of their own world of sunshine. The resuscitation of the heart starts up again, a vacuum effect on the mind re-mains and attracts. When the heart is floating freely over the network, the combination of thought patterns will continue, because the thinking is not resolved, and the ten-inch gap bridged over the samples enter the system. Therefore, the increase seen in the images and feelings of medical transportation after the later of the senses perceive. Not everyone can experience this very interesting experience, because when the heart stops during sleep, interrupted the flow of thought patterns.
Who is on fire, lost by fire, do not suffer much, seventy percent burns of the skin occurs, zero is set to the atmospheric pressure in the body, the body quickly in the environment of the same energy level, and temperature is. The photon body will immediately exit the, and to live independently.
If the freezing death the photon body very quickly cleared from as quickly reaches in the cold part of the mass of the atmosphere is zero value.
If alive, locked in a tight container and earth piled around the graveyard, very slow cooling of the body becomes so full three hours of terror can think of who does so accidentally.
The one-hour filled with fear waiting for ten minutes with cooling of the body can be reduced, but in this case with EEG, with the knowledge and network analysis to determine the exact death in stood. The death occurred at night, has no brain waves can not be registered, the mind and the heart over the network around. ten centimeters float. The lifeless rigidity is occurs because the atmosphere of an atmospheric pressure environment to the zero-pressure atmosphere molecules in , so far as can be pressed.
The network is disconnected from the photon body does not follow the vacuum chamber. All information is saved into the memory, and networking will begin there, because even during the existence of switching over our consciousness than we are. Go immediately to the local network, so that connections across the sector, as in the Internet. Everyone is connected to everyone in the whole Universe, regardless of the operating body with positive energy which substances build up in the same mental operation. All of the sewerage network to everyone I come into being because of individual photons in the energy level of functioning as a code applies accomplished.
The minimum energy photons Difference in the level of magnetic attraction to each other almost endless possibilities created, and who built the network system is very diverse.
All information comes to light speed memories, the people here just know everything, when you need to take anything, because the does not prevent the photon body flow of information.
Technically I also thought they should just think about it at someone, and you begin to exchange information back and forth. Face to face with the usual speech to communicate. World seems very strange to us, but have not came through the have not at all, because consciousness is very easy to get used to, so the change is very pleasant experience for him.
The network, in order to remain here because they value minus one atmosphere pressure is generated, and the atmosphere is an atmosphere of the magnetic equilibrium to ensure it is in stable condition. Therefore, it can not move the air, forever hovering in one place reserved for consistency. Since no material weight and mass, that is, photons have been created and the original photon energy level of each characteristic minus atmospheric pressure shall be kept until the initial momentum is being discharged.
From our world have a high-energy people had left behind networks, minus some of our fellow human beings themselves connected to the existing wavelengths. These channels can heal, and talk. The aim is to connect people to the left network, and themselves and also connected. Unfortunately, many people in the near absence of free network, it can not heal, and the pendulum is not possible to communicate through.
Communication is the case, they are normally understood our messages, but only a shuttle back to be able to send a message with an indication where the pendulum technique ordered to magnetic signals. The low operating power level information patterns electrons are unable to throw, our energy level, electrons flowing our sample. Exceptions are the people who live in low-power level, but they can be quiet, blurred, fragments in the other world's people understand messages.
If someone could not be contacted, but would like to communicate through a pendulum, Send a message is an individual who has made ​​contact with the higher intelligence. The second wavelength in a month residents are able to develop a new network, and it signals the emergence of the pendulum-driven conversations, and disease of the evening is "healing angel" does not prevent anything.
Gas-heated homes of the patients cure is not possible because the body fabric of the surrounding magnet attracts molecules of methane gas cloud is formed, which can cause suffocation, and easy to fire. Meetings, if they are very necessary because it can not be medically perfect cure of the disease, in the content, time until the treatment takes place in a safe firing technique should stay home.

The memory of the photon body energy level of Stabilizer - The superiority of silicon atoms in the metal relay against

The memory of pressure the photon body with the same minus an empty atmosphere.
The electron samples the amount of information increases, the memory energy levels rise. Ten to fifteen new body attraction is necessary, depending on how much information is loaded into memory during a lifetime. When the memory reaches the energy level of minus 0.3 atmospheres pressure, the photon body's internal suction even when it is also very stable. Thus generating a positive atmosphere in the minus 0.3 electron of the photon body sample quantity has not distributed all over the photon body with the memory minus some wavelengths continues to existence. In memory of the wavelength of the energy level must be at least one atmosphere pressure.
Gradually a half years in the universal electronic information networks in the samples "with teleportation" to the memory of one atmosphere pressure force. The teleportation was not the original thought patterns stored in memory, but a completely different the same as in the memory already contains a good basis for conceptual models of the electron to attract others. Each sample's energy level and form, with the magnetic core yarns can pull with the exact fit. The joint operation continues until the memory is an atmosphere of energy levels will be.
The means to achieve an atmosphere that all information has been unloaded by far the Universe is decoded Postal System.
If world, people have to want to avoid minus the two-wavelength, releases all of the information from memory, again minus one atmosphere pressure decreases the energy level of memory, and then minus the atmosphere consists of two bits.
The memory is completely empty, but that does not mean that you will not remember anything. The memory of thinking patterns will remain on the surface of a sphere, so broadly the essential things are preserved, but you must start learning. With the quantum will not be difficult, almost the same speed in the flow of information, such as body, memory and energy levels of two atmospheres.
Minus some wavelengths of each life comes again been noted, all crisp and lively again will you remember the full empathy, we'll know it happened to us, and we will be interested in, all the happenings of the bygone eras and players. In the old days again embrace their loved ones, no connection will be cold, so the body can not lose with the death of anyone, you might as well say that we started the long journey to where the return period for bridges. The entire contents of memory to the memory refers to body reproducible, content is achieved by re-living their own story through the initial stage of humanity within the time travel.

The circular movement of air masses start controls and maintenance forces formation -
reason for the continuity of the circular flow

After recovery of the Earth atmosphere formation at the right density, atoms in the atmosphere, relaxed static state of the magnetic force those threads.
Sun-burning power, often ignited the forests, grassy deserts, and the Earth's crust is burned. A hundred years after meeting in green space of a positive amount of energy liberated as the electrons of the burning materials increased energy levels was given for the photons that are radiated, the process resulted in a growing number of free electrons was also the atmosphere.
Since the electrons of magnetic fibrils also adopted by the increased energy levels, photons are also aired on a growing number of free electrons into the atmosphere. A surplus of positive energy and increased energy electrons carried into the Earth started embracing a large atmospheric circulation. The magnetic balance between maintaining the state of the atmosphere is also valid, and therefore an increased energy level of electrons will flow toward the lower-energy electrons, while the same energy level are not. But because of the positive energy is generated constantly added, so the cycle continued and constant.
The smaller one of the most atmospheric formations larger than the cyclone. The Earth has a larger area, host, increased energy levels of free electrons will be launching a vertical flow. The most high-energy electrons in the surface area occupied space, and right spins faster pace with rising gradually upwards.
The higher energy level spinning greater magnetic attraction due to enchants and attracts a lower energy level spinning electrons, and gradually, more and more rapidly turning, the environment, all the electrons thus with collecting, at the same time she left the magnetic balance, aimed at the lower energy level locations. The migration continues until the original energy level drops, so differences between the normal level of air masses.
Of the tornadoes follow a similar principle, but a much higher level than the quantity of electrons and fewer rising up. The high energy levels due to spins much faster, with less volume due to smaller area of the movement, the use of high-energy electrons quickly fall back to its original energy levels.
The Earth has been moved inside the dead animal carcasses and fern pines age absorption and rot as a result of coal, oil and natural gas have increased the mass of Earth. These materials are magnetic atoms during the formation of the sun towards the developed yarns, together with pipe clamps entering the Sun. After incineration, the residual gas atoms, these threads will remain attracted to. These gases cause the greenhouse effect, not just carbon dioxide. Eliminate the greenhouse effect, only one way possible, if all has to be mined and produced from low cost for bonamid accumulate. The bonamid very weakly magnetic material, the magnet link filamentous separates from the Sun, so the magnets are attracted to other threads in your solar system planets and fade into the yarns have been created there, the gas atoms are evaporated.

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