2012. május 26., szombat

Completion of the current cycle of the Universe

Completion of the current cycle of the Universe

Ten thousand billion years, the original impulses run down, all the planets and stars had already destroyed, breakup will resonate, resonance due to the large atoms fall. The atoms lose their mass and weight massless quark pieces of the universe billions of thunder. Black holes are a result of the termination of left and right spin of photons at the meeting with the remaining pulses is extinguished, because the left and right spin rotations collide, they lose their structure and the plasma will fill the whole universe.

The other cycle

The fourth dimension is closely jammed into a movie by a huge fall out of the three-dimensional movies that are playing down desloratadine continues until the plasma is not collision. The fall in plasma as a result the film frames becomes plasma. The second phase of the universe lives, and continues until the entire cavity of the sphere, only the plasma swarming.

The third cycle, so many of the plasma that continuously collide with each other, so recruiting and photons generated structure. The photons can strike with great force into each other continuously, so the semi-spherical surface weight gain produced gluons.
The magnetic properties through gluon allows him attracted to the photons, the photons in the gluons, creating a solar diameter photon - gluon ball set.
The great mass of gluons represent the photons on the surface, so when the ball does not have a set number of gluons in the photon acquired a surface to resonate, resulting in a large explosion that started the Universe, the fourth, a real cycle.
The fourth cycle at the end of the universe surrounding walls collapse dimensions, thus the universe is collapsing. Over billions of years rising up the walls again, because it points back to the plasma expands, the wall dimensions are restored.
The Universe is the current cycle is the "baby" age of experiencing the combined collapsed stars, planets from, galaxies to black holes and quasars, more and more solar systems are formed, and then again destroyed again for wear, and so it goes in the future ten billion years.

Subsequent correction of photon world, and the existence of negative wave of each topic

The mass loss after the earthly body that function has failed, the photon leaves the body from the slavery of body mass. In the past, the physical explanation has been detailed.
This body, however, the photon will not feel anything, it can only think of the mind, body has no sensation. Through the arguments of the magnetic fibrils in the memory interface to built cognitive schemata most higher-energy electron sample with establish attraction relationship, and as long as the thought Codes energy levels do not fall down, so that the magnetic network, letting go, in captivity remains of the individual. What repented all his sins, samples of the electron energy levels are reduced, and the magnetic attraction based on the confinement is released, the release of the electron magnetic network patterns and the person will be free.
I wrote down was wrong to turn back for fear of punishment, because it's impossible. This body is not detected, one can not control yourself sucked into the vacuum automatically
In the future, escape it, or because they do not like the system because it is always easy life they lived, did not work, the existence of switching after lords feel where everyone is equal, but most often is fleeing because they do not have other people look into her eyes. Think everyone's life on earth even as it hurts others, and it is worth - such as in the world, the vast majority of good people, and not reward the other person does not respect them, to free humanity beings.
After three days of captivity, everyone was very patient, because they do not perceive the body and the mind is very difficult to live through this. Three days are needed to cast off the earthly body of the local magnetism attracted enough quark itself is connected to the net photon energy body.
This process is therefore completed, because the power nets connected to photon energy level is higher than the field decay mass body of the quark energy levels, so the photons in the round of quarks themselves attract with such force that protons are formed, thus re-mass gain the body.
There the weak magnetism of the body mass of the quarks is minimal enough to get back the same, working body mass created.
Thus, then feed just like us, only synthetically produced food consumed. There is champagne and wine with them, when they clink glasses are fun, but all in moderation, do not become addicted to alcohol.
The human body is the replacement of protons, atoms and cells of the same formation process as a result are made, such as formation of atoms in the Sun, at a much lower temperature is needed for production. Proteins make up the proton atom mergers taking place at 36C. In this case, the burning of nutrients by radiating photons of a fuse connected to the net photon energy of a photon of the body, and in the two outer beams. This process can take place is because the net energy of protons coupled photons continuously lose energy levels and photons fall apart. The net is on the remaining free energy photons is always another way - and protons may be higher, so the probability of recurrence of cells capable of continuous until all the energy levels are empty, which strands of DNA, that is the man that set the level of individual magnetic energy fiber sets.
The minus some wavelengths, the same trends, but the weak magnetism of the body temperature of twenty degrees Celsius. Since there is the spin of particles from right to left, looking at us with cold fusion seems to be the thing where the protons are formed so that the photons become more compact with more and more, but another way of looking at increasing the mass of the proton is viewed as, and perceived as heat fusion. The spin orientation of particles is determined by how we perceive the space in which we exist.

The crowd was again in the body longer detected in the same way, and functions as the normal earthly body mass.

Mass gain in the two wavelength minus the shifting of the correction of previous information

When this issue earlier, I wrote, only my imagination has relied on, how can a photon from the body heavier body, has not clarified the picture, was not available to me enough information, as can occur in human photon body repeated mass obtain. Therefore, I thought that surely with the three-dimensional movies of the fuse body figure body photons. Yeah pretty amazing and not really fit into a flesh - blood of human existence, and very alarming to us, at least to me it seemed as if even this form of existence is not a living human living world to deploy.
Well stocked calm down, because once again it was a mistake, which is served to swing on the blog contents of the scientific reality is unfolding perfectly.
The crowd continued winning minus some wavelengths foods consumed by the radiations from photon energy provides the creation and exchange of protons.
Twenty years necessary the all old photon and proton exchange, while the mass continues to grow.
Since the energy gain in the direction of can minus one and two wavelengths, so the reverse process takes place, not to aging but also toward the total rejuvenation. Equal minus quickly if someone wants to be young, have a lot to eat, will not put on weight, but will be younger. It's simple to speed up rejuvenation.
What is the right world tendency towards a loss of energy, so the aging roundabout towards the direction of energy.
Twenty years after, if you like it or not, everyone extrude from the actual minus some vacuum space, and to repel or minus two, because its mass is so great that not hold himself to the weak magnetism is not enough, let go of the body, the minus two are sucked into.
The spheres of the gluon vacuum suck all of the information, just the thought patterns remain in the memory interface, providing a good foundation to start again.
Read, write, count, to know we will remember who they were, the most dearer love worthy of our relatives and our friends, or most larger enemies, everything else, however, forget, and again begin the study and another existential phase, which is a culmination of higher intelligence, man is the existence of a cyclical change, this section will be very intelligent.

On the minus two wavelengths of the mass loss after the photon body locked in the memory and the surface of the thinking patterns intact saved at the minus each wavelength, as well as with the earthly mass of the body, but until we, the photon body of the vacuum sucks , from minus two to minus one to the compressive force pushes out with the opposite sign change takes place in the background. On the minus one, with all this body can take place as from the earth through the body was with photons, the total memory loss after only cognitive schemas are then all the memory.
The more times take someone back to the minus of each wavelength, the greater the chance to make a winning weight, lost weight because of the minus two of the quarks remain there for three days and it attracted notice in the photon energy at the right place. Then, slowly collecting in the earthly below minus two to the body of the quarks, in order of energy levels.
So the fifteenth minus two lost massive body quarks, very quickly attracted to, and as much mass to give to the local weak magnetism can not stand the ground attracting keep so slowly in the body to rise for the first time just floating around, then our Earth through impressed. A slow ascent is a sign that it's time to hide your spacesuit, because it begins the new home earthly of existence.
More already been written about that here again we start with mass gain, which takes place twenty-four hours. The earthly body cremated quarks accelerator device to actually increase energy levels can be repeated one hundred and fifty times our life on earth.
Is not it crazy genius is the Universe?

System of the Universes, the connection between Universes

The previous section described that dimension of the universe are surrounded by walls.
Still, there is opportunity to create such connections every universe.
The northern and southern ends of universes than the space dimension of the tunnel walls break down, while circular build themselves as they sniff constantly in a large amount of photons.
Spherical shape of the universe are located on top of each other, in a universe ten located along the ring road, built on it from all directions in the other universe.
The square shape made ​​up of tunnels in the balls inside the center of meet each other in the square tunnels tributary, a planet-sized three-dimensional space created.
The photons are constantly batter the walls dimension, on the one hand can pass through them, on the other hand, plasma and pulse is generated. The pulses, plasma, collisions occur due to photons. This self-excitation technique constantly fill the space tunnel necessary to build the photon quantities, the central part, and a spacious three-dimensional space becomes. This space to run networks of systems in the Universe, which together can develop networks so that all sides will be possible to exchange information.
This space could be called hyper-space, because the atmospheric pressure is zero, ie a magnetic field evened dilation, the atmospheric pressure minus an information network for complete stability.
When a planet starts to decline, leaving in question the usual location of planetary control system. The shock waves generated decaying planet, more and more repelled away by itself in the System, so far as to jurisdiction is a black hole, so that the material from the black hole ejection from shocks to ensure maximum progress.
Many black hole is way, way more similar to that carried forward to the network, the edge of the universe, and then pushes the tunnel is located in space. Photons in the tunnel is gradually pushed forward until it reaches the final destination, the tunnel created by the planet-sized three-dimensional space, where several of these networks has created the Universe System. There are control systems, many of which travel through the universe in the above-mentioned technique.
The information of all the universes to arrive, the Universe and all the universe Postal System of Systems continuously transmit the latest information.
Navigation System of the Universe through the development progresses, humanity will have achieved the dream of space travel between universes, but only guided robotic spacecrafts, because the human filamentous magnetic connection of the solar system stops at the border. Only on special technical solutions this spacecraft and spacesuit to be used for people traveling. For further information please contact the Managing System.
The shock waves on human memory also brings sweeps, which are attracted to the network and are also linked. Become active again, and recall all their lives, so at first very uncomfortable feel disembodied state. As time passed and the habit of enjoying this mode of existence as well.
Seven hundred thousand human memory drifted away, the universe early stage of development, approx. three billion years ago. It was not enough information to counteract the process.
In a previous section has documented the knowledge network designed to prevent dislodged with fullerene coated iron wire network, construction of which the free-floating memories will also be attracted to, and as long as the people you attract with magnet remain there. The magnet does not stick, but with the magnet and the fullerene coated iron wire excited by magnetic balancing bar will float until the body can become attracted.
The two-wavelength minus the shock waves do not compromise, the system knows well in advance of when such a disaster will occur, so a speed increase their mass, to go through every time.
The Earth has a fatal disaster in the evening, re-built five thousand years, Earth and Wavelength minus two men are again at the new Earth. So the other wavelengths living existence is not threatened by any danger.
The negative was transferred to freshly growing, but so as not to increase the mass so quickly, to fit through. Therefore, the low level of minus a richer mass of beings are also attracted to it with the fullerene coated iron wire network. Unfortunately, there they will die of starvation because the balancing of tracks for fifty years there was nowhere to be attracted.
The foton body after the collapse, attracted to the body again unfortunate memories, but this way does not break the continuity of existence, and does not drift with the shock wave of hyper space, where it is not possible to move further into the body.
Fifty years to the vacuum minus some space back to the formation of the shock waves spread entirely dispersed, and this space is too detailed to be positive.
The ground should not be compromised if the Managing System knowledge to be taken seriously because it is about well in advance. five hundred years sooner they will inform us as to the events occur, and at that time constructed with fullerene coated iron wire network could hold steadily in mind the network.
Over the next hundred and sixty million years, will be free of galaxy collisions, so we have a populated solar system existence is not threatened by serious dangers.

The network is "trapped"

The first attraction gluon balls into the human body in a horizontal circle of twelve different gluon ball track approach was followed. The encoding - decoding for twelve years was the same way, to play with. After reaching the appropriate information content, it fell from the network and each attracted a newborn child, this is the beginning of the process is much quicker than at present. The birth rate of growth and progress of the years, an increasing number of spherule samples enclosed information includes, which includes carrying amount of information as a code, the next most optimal subject of re-body attraction. The minimum is the most beads at different levels of consciousness come into contact with, probably those which have already worked together in some relationship.
New gluon spheres to circular process could only be introduced if the insiders are all one body of work. The horizontal separation from the circuit, always means a body attraction, to place has always attracted an additional gluon ball up. The new body is always the attraction of the horizontal circuit.
When the memory reaches a specified amount of energy levels, you will not lose the information patterns on its surface, with the knowledge to network connected to the body worked. Joins the network and to speed of light from the other members of the network receive the information which he should have. All the information about the universe, each includes a small portion of memory proportional to bear.
Discuss with each other who does what, and everyone is up to acquire its share. A half years, you learn everything, and routing function. A circle is always conscious of two members working, the other pattern of lost memory from birth to be, is an unconscious member. The two members are self-conscious, one always teaches the other, and staying there for twenty years. The final ground lease on life, because we can determine a baby's heart will be attracted only to meet us in every aspect.
The information is uploaded to have opportunities in this cycle can be controlled, so only the appropriate amount of passing ourselves if we found a more suitable body the most. Then, the schema information is automatically removed from the surface of the globule, dunk and attractive to last earthly body. The last body after his death we come to the lower-energy world.
The final stage of earthly existence before everyone in the network spent a shorter period. The length will depend on when you find a suitable body. Some two years, you know, but twenty years is not uncommon to there to be further sticking. Prolificacy of the family is influenced by amount of time spent in the network.
The twelve members, formed by the imaginary circle in the middle live all his life, when it occurs in the body the death of twelve members, other energy level objectives appropriate, have long formed incomplete group, or a newborn infant attracted to, so the old co-dissolved, and immediately begins another line-up in for, according to energy levels, a relationship based on affection.
In reading waves, electrons hit the surface of spherule samples being read to. The usage of dual coding, to impact in each of the sample, translates into the language we use. Disembodied state of consciousness is to natural mode of communication, does not pose any is Difficulty or discomfort due to feelings.
Every day for eight hours with a smart, creative thinking, with observation, with healing, with development, spend eight hours fun - talk all over the world TV - broadcasts signals they please will you and watch for any earthly events can follow the World Wide Web that appear any signals can take their favorite things. Alternately eight hours of sleep because the mind needs a tired set-aside. A body without a mind capable of emotional manifestations, love, sadness, joke, but a relaxed, calm, gentle, wise, that is, human consciousness is only the most high intelligence in the network, without a body can have.

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